Physical Health

Hospitals, free medical clinics, free dental clinics, teeth-cleaning.

North Andaman Tsunami Relief provides assistance to tsunami impacted coastal communities on and n...
VISION A Civil Society where people enjoy quality of life, rights and equality. Where people de...
Formerly known as the Catholic Commission for Human Development, Caritas Thailand was founded in ...
Working in Thailand since 1981, improving the lives of the country’s marginalised and disadvantag...
RADION International is a Christian relief and development agency. RADION International is dedica...
UNDP is the lead development agency of the United Nations, working to support countries’ work tow...
Missions Nurture of blind people in living skills, education and vocation to their potential, mai...
BaanGerda is a children’s charity that provides homes and care for HIV infected and affecte...
Mercy International is a christian based non-profit organisation which has extended practical lov...
Sarnelli House is an orphanage for abandoned children and children affected with HIV/AIDS. We wor...
Sister Joan is convinced of the importance of education. Her primary aim is to encourage, assist ...
For over 30 years, we’ve been working tirelessly to safeguard at-risk children in Thailand and em...
Showing 1 - 20 of 23 results